Keeping Windows Store Apps Updated with Microsoft Intune

So we’re all onboard with the New Microsoft Store, and deploying both UWP and Win32 apps from Microsoft Intune is an absolute breeze, and reduces the effort of deploying applications to a click click next OK exercise. What about the UWP apps that are already installed on a Windows Autopilot device, shouldn’t we give them a bit of love? If you care at all about users and security you should.
1 Allowing App Updates
Regardless of how you are blocking or allowing the Microsoft Store, remembering that the store needs to be available to allow for apps from Microsoft Intune to be deployed, we should at least configure devices to allow for updates.
A simple Settings Catalog profile will do the job here, with the below settings configured.
Category | Setting | Value |
Microsoft App Store | Allow apps from the Microsoft app store to auto update | Allowed |
Assign this profile to your devices, all of them obviously, no testing needed here.
2 Forcing App Updates
There’s a lot of chatter about how to force store apps to update, but essentially we can kick off an update using the below Get-CimInstance query.
Get-CimInstance -Namespace "Root\cimv2\mdm\dmmap" -ClassName "MDM_EnterpriseModernAppManagement_AppManagement01" | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName UpdateScanMethod
Now as we’re calling areas that require elevation, standard users are bang out of luck from running this, and even running this elevated as Administrator does absolutely nothing for the apps themselves, something about install context.
So what are our options? Well for testing it’s PsExec.
Running the above from PowerShell running as system using PsExec.exe -s -i powershell.exe
, we can kick off the app update query.
Nothing much to look at here, but if you’ve got the store open, you should now see updates in the Downloads and Updates section, if you’re lazy run start ms-windows-store://downloadsandupdates
as a standard user to open the correct area of the store.
Brilliant, apps are now trying their hardest to update. Now we’ve got a method to update the apps, no one is going to run this manually on a regular basis, and we love a Microsoft Intune Remediation.
3 Remediation Settings
So now we’ve got a way to start the update of the apps, let’s find a way to work out if we need to kick off an update. Back to the initial query we created, and if we run the below section of the command, we’ll get an output that we might be able to work with.
Get-CimInstance -Namespace "Root\cimv2\mdm\dmmap" -ClassName "MDM_EnterpriseModernAppManagement_AppManagement01"
Guess what, we do, that LastScanError is looking mighty interesting, and it being Microsoft I bet that an exit code of zero means success, but we should have a look at the reference document just in case.
Reports the last error code returned by the update scan.
This is a required node.
OK, so it isn’t that clear, but we’ve got a way to detect whether the last update of apps was successful, and with the Settings Catalog policy created earlier we should be keeping apps up to date from then on.
3.1 Detection Script
We can use the above, and a little logic to detect whether the result of the LastScanError is a zero or not, and if it’s not a zero throw an Exit 1 to allow a remediation to run.
try {
$wmiObj = Get-CimInstance -Namespace "Root\cimv2\mdm\dmmap" -ClassName "MDM_EnterpriseModernAppManagement_AppManagement01"
if ($wmiObj.LastScanError -ne '0') {
Write-Output "Windows Store Apps not updated."
Exit 1
else {
Write-Output "Windows Store Apps updated."
Exit 0
catch {
Write-Output "Unable to query Store App Update status."
Exit 2000
On to the remediation portion.
3.2 Remediation Script
We’ve already done the ground work with the previous queries to test the update of apps, so this one is very straightforward.
Try {
Get-CimInstance -Namespace "Root\cimv2\mdm\dmmap" -ClassName "MDM_EnterpriseModernAppManagement_AppManagement01" | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName UpdateScanMethod
Write-Output "Windows Store Apps updated."
Exit 0
Catch {
Write-Output "Windows Store Apps not updated."
Exit 2000
Just make sure we’re exiting with the correct codes, and giving an explanation, as per the detection script, of the result of the remediation.
4 Deploying the Remediation
We’ve seen remediations a handful of times now in this blog, so go ahead and create a new Remediation Script in Microsoft Intune mirroring the below settings. Be aware that we definitely do not want to be running this as the user, we need that glorious system context.
I’ve assigned this to All Devices with my beloved Device Filters on a daily schedule, but if you’re more cautious than I am, assign this to a smaller proof-of-concept group.
After a while, you should start seeing the results of the Remediation, and hopefully positive ones to boot.
If all goes well, your devices will start actually updating the ‘Built In’ apps you haven’t ripped out with a PowerShell script, and Microsoft Intune UWP store apps you’ve deployed, though your users may start complaining about the apps looking like they’re loading in the Start Menu 😂.
5 Summary
All in all a quick and dirty solution to a very simple problem with new Windows Autopilot devices and existing Microsoft Intune managed Windows devices, at least this way they’ll do what they should have done in the first place and just keep themselves updated.
If only all the issues I encounter during my days could be solved with a simple Remediation script.